दक्षिण कोंकणी उतरावळि

A Southern Konkani Vocabulary Collection

Verbs starting with letters दे, दै, दो and दौ

दे, दै, दो आनी दौ अक्षरांचीं क्रियापदां

  1. abate
  2. accuse
  3. alight
  4. become unconscious
  5. blame
  6. cat nap
  7. climb down
  8. close eyes
  9. complain
  10. decrease
  11. descend
  12. dismount
  13. download
  14. drop
  15. fall
  16. find fault
  17. fold
  18. go away
  19. leak
  20. lessen
  21. lift down
  22. lower
  23. move off angrily
  24. recede
  25. sink
  26. snooze
  27. unload